
 UnlimitedLove(2003-08-28 15:19:34, Hit : 356, Vote : 4
 Ã·º¸´Â ¿Àºü ÀΟ~~ºä~~¿ì¿ì¿ì~ ¤Ñ_¤Ñ;;

Kim Jeong-hun(23), a member of the handsome duet, UN, is making a come-back with a special album. £¢One+One.£¢ On their last three albums, UN garnered the admiration and adoration of many fans with their beautiful melodies. But this time around, they have decided to appear separately as solo artists. Kim¡¯s mild voice, on the romantic ballad £¢Glass,£¢ is melting the hearts of many fans. The Teen Times met him after the live radio show £¢FM Pop SongsFM£¢at KBS on August 13.

Tell us a little bit more about your new album.
Jeong-hun: One of my managers came up with the idea of making this special album. This album has two CDs. One is mine and the other is Jeong-won's. So, you can enjoy both of our music on a single release. However, we have made it a rule not to appear onstage together. My songs consist of sweet melodies and a few upbeat tracks. I would also like to try my hand at other genres such as rock. Recently, I've been very interested in rock ballads. On the other hand, Jeong-won insists on performing dance music.

Did you have any problems recording the new album?
Jeong-hun: I really worried about my solo album before I started recording because I wasn't sure if I could finish all of the songs by myself. Also, I was on such a tight schedule. I had to finish recording five songs within a week. That being said, I really love the songs. They really complement my mild voice and overall style. Therefore, it didn't take long hours to practice and record the songs. I used to take more than four hours to record a single song. For this album, however, I was able to finish a song within an hour or two. I think ballads are easier for me to sing than dance music.

What have been some of the good and bad things about performing solo?
Jeong-hun: First, as a solo artist, I get to decide what I want to sing. In a duo, the partners have to pick the songs that best fit the group. The bad part about singing solo is that I feel more pressure singing the entire album by myself. I also have no one to depend on when I'm onstage. I sometimes feel a bit empty without Jeong-won.

There are some rumors that UN is going to split up soon. Are they true?
Jeong-hun: Absolutely not. The rumor first started because we have performed separately since releasing our third album. Jeong-won has been on many TV shows, but I haven't. This might have added to people? suspicions that our group will break up. However, we're planning to release our fourth album this winter or next spring.

You are a DJ on the radio show £¢FM Pop Songs.£¢ What do you like about the show?
Jeong-hun: I like doing radio shows because I can be more natural and speak my mind more than I can on TV. Personally, I don't like dressing up for TV appearances. On radio, it doesn? even matter if I don't wash my hair. I really like its free atmosphere. I've learned a lot about doing impersonations and comedy while hosting the show. In order to have a decent conversation with different guests, I also have to be witty and quick on my feet.

What do you usually do in the booth while the music is playing?
Jeong-hun: I usually talk to the guests to find out more about them. When the guests have similar personalities or hobbies, I become very talkative. I don't know why, but I'm really close with guests born in 1973. Lee-juck, Kim Gwang-jin and Jo Gyu-chan are now my close friends.

You are known as Kkotminam. Do you like to be called that?
Jeong-hun: Well, I don't know if I'm a pretty boy like people say. I think there are plenty of better looking entertainers. Actually, I don't like to be classified as a Kkotminam. I sometimes wonder why I can't be as tough as Jeong Woo-seong or Lee Jeong-jae. I would rather be known as a charismatic man with a great body.

What are your current interests?
Jeong-hun: Now, I'm reading a lot of books about economics and management. I'm not studying those subjects because I want to make money. It's just because I really find it interesting. Right now, I'm reading a book about the Japanese Bubble Economy in the 1990s. I was partly influenced by my buddies born in 1973. They really like to talk about the economy.

What's your ideal woman like?
Jeong-hun: I used to like intelligent and elegant women. However, I have changed my mind since I've gotten older. Now, I like someone who can understand me and share my thoughts and emotions.

Do you have any last words for our readers?
Jeong-hun: Some people think I'm a typical snobby smart kid just because I went to one of the most prestigious colleges. However, it? all a stereotype. While I perform solo, I will do my best to change that image. Wish me luck!

Staff reporter Jeong Yeo-jin (

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